Thursday, October 8, 2009

Trident D-5

Trident D-5 represents the most modern submarine-launched ballistic missile. It makes up the entirety of US submarine-based nuclear deterrent and a key part of the US nuclear deterrent force. It is the first US submarine-based missile to have a capability against hardened targets.

Features of Trident D-5:

· The UGM-133 Trident D-5 is an intercontinental-range, submarine-launched, solid-propellant ballistic missile.

· The use of Multiple Independent Reentry Vehicle (MIRV) warheads enables the Trident D-5 to destroy a large number of silo-based missiles in a first strike.

· The Trident D-5 has a maximum range of 12,000 km (7,456 miles), similar to that of silo-based systems, and has a payload as large as 2,800 kg.

· Trident II is fired by the pressure of expanding gas in the launch tube. When the missile attains sufficient distance from the submarine, the first stage motor ignites, the aerospike extends and the boost stage begins.

Product Life Cycle:

The first test launch occurred in January 1987 from a launch pad, with the first naval trial, a failure, occurring in March 1989. The UGM-133 Trident D-5 entered service in the US Navy in 1990. The life span of the missile has been extended to 42 years, until the next-generation Trident E-6 enters service in 2030. The Trident D-5 missile is currently used by both the United Kingdom and the United States on their respective Vanguard- and Ohio-class submarines. The primary contractor behind the development of the D-5 was Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Missile and Space Operations.

Dimensions and Performance:

Length : 13.42m (7.35m 1st-stage, 3.12m 2nd-stage)

Body Diameter : 2.11m

Launch Weight : 59,090kg

Range : 7,360-12,000km

Speed : 6,096m/sec

Accuracy : 120m CEP


Propulsion : 3-stages solid-fueled rocket motor

Engine : 1st and 2nd stage: Hercules/Morton-Thiokol solid-fueled rocket, 3rd stage: United Technologies Corp. solid-fueled rocket

Payload : 8xMk-5 RVs(MIRV)

Warhead : W-88 nuclear warhead (475kT)

Guidance : stellar-aided inertial guidance system with Navster GPS reception for updates.

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